Help us change lives

Donate to
Peacespark Foundation

Bank Account Details

Account Name : Peacespark

Account Number : 40421235459

Bank Name : SBI, Railway Station Branch, Hosur

IFSC : SBIN0070843

PayTM Link

upi-peace spark foundation

Your donations will help us bring peace and harmony to the lives of the underprivileged. Support us!

What your donation will do

Rs. 1000/- Gift can provide

essential school supplies

Rs.1000/- of donation can provide essential school supplies to 1 child

Rs. 2000/- Gift can provide

nutritional assistance

Rs. 2000 of donation can provide nutritional assistance to one lactating mother

Rs. 5000/- Gift can provide

food basket

Rs.5000 of donation will provide a food basket for a family of 5

Rs. 10,000/- Gift can provide


Rs.10,000 of will support urgent healthcare and surgery needs off an elderly person

Rs. 20,000/- Gift can provide

higher education

Rs. 20,000 of donation will support the higher education of a child

Rs. 50.000/- Gift can provide

medical camp

Rs. 50,000 will help us run a medical camp


To make a donation to Peacespark, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to complete the payment.

Thank you for your support!


We currently accept donations through bank transfers and UPI which are secure. Rest assured, your donation is 100% secure.

Yes, we will provide you a receipt for your donation within five business days, over email.

Peacespark Foundation is registered as a charitable trust and you can avail tax exemption up to 50% of your donation amount, under Section 80G of the Income Tax act in India. 

If you would like to see your gift in action or have any other questions, please contact us at +91 8072269991 or

In-kind donations

We appreciate support and donations of all kinds

Would you like to directly donate school supplies to kids in need? How about buying a pair of crutches to a physically challenged person? Or a month’s food supplies to a family in need? We support and warmly welcome in-kind donations directly to our patrons!

To find out more informations about in-kind donations please contact us at +91 8072269991,

“A big thank you to the Peacespark Team. They helped me overcome my disability and thanks to their support I can do most things in day-to-day life on my own. Their guidance and support were invaluable - and thanks to them, I live a fulfilling life today!”